Agent Safety Month: Open House Safety Tips for Realtors

Open House Safety Tips for Real Estate Agents

  • Encourage the seller to secure valuables ahead of time. Seek an offsite and secure location that clients can trust to keep their special and/or priceless items safe.

  • Be familiar with the property layout and identify exit routes, obstacles, rooms with locks and spaces that could make one vulnerable.

  • Check all rooms, closets, doors, and windows at the start and end of the open house while being alert and prepared to defend yourself in the event of a surprise.

  • Keep your phone on you at all times. It is important to be able to call for assistance in the event that you need it. Additionally, it is a risk to your own valuables leaving them unattended and open to potential theft.

  • When showing, always walk behind prospects. Direct them; don't lead them.

  • If possible, bring along a fellow agent, mortgage professional, family member or friend. This will offer you company and as a general rule the comfort of safety in numbers with someone you trust.

  • Require all visitors to sign in with their name, address, phone and email.

  • Let colleagues, friends, and family know where the open house is and what date(s) and time.

  • Introduce yourself to the neighbours and inform them that you will be showing the house. Offer them your business card and ask that if they notice anything suspicious or out of the ordinary to give you a call or emergency services.

As with many industries there are risks that come with the job. We strongly encourage all real estate agents to take the time to be careful and to advocate for your safety.