Spring Cleaning

We are less than a week away from April and it's time to start preparing for that big clean up. BUT, this doesn’t have to be a daunting task. To get started we HIGHLY suggest a fantastic Spotify playlist like this one, Spring Cleaning Playlist
, to get your body moving and your energy levels up. Are you ready?

Here are a few tips we have to get through your Spring Cleaning Journey.

Spread it Out, Don’t Overwhelm Yourself
Break it down into small tasks and achievable goals to keep the energy and the motivation up. You can go room by room and tackle each space with a bit of elbow grease on your days off. It’s okay to take a break.

Plan it Out
Whether you want to make a list, split up chores, or schedule each cleaning day in the calendar; having some sort of plan can make the process feel easier and more manageable. Better Homes & Garden has a great article with the Ultimate Spring Cleaning Guide. You can use their tips and pointers to start building your list!

Start at the Top
When frantically wiping and dusting gravity does it’s job and all of that dust and debris that's flying around will end up on the ground or other lower surfaces. When you start at the highest surfaces and end at the bottom levels you can save yourself from having to repeat tasks that may have already been completed. It’s no fun sweeping the floors over and over again. 

Prioritize the Places Your Rarely Clean
It’s no secret that cleaning isn’t for everyone, and even those who LOVE to clean may still have those chores they like to forget about. Whether it’s behind the stove where the rogue tater tot escaped to or the grimy baseboards. Eventually we have to do it. If we plan for the big tasks then it's a lot easier to do the smaller ones like wiping the counters later instead of mustering up the energy to move the fridge after a long day at work.

Are you one to “conveniently” forget things?
Don’t worry we won’t judge you. HGTV writer Laura Grande made sure to remind us of the things we have probably forgotten to clean...like behind the toilet. 11 Places You Probably Forgot to Clean in Your House

The Great Outdoors
Or rather the outside of your house. Break out the pressure washer and the gardening gloves because it’s time to move that spring cleaning energy outside. We'd suggest doing this on a sunny warm day but you can march to the beat of your own drum here. Clear up the leaves, trim up the shrubs and pull out clutter from the gardens. Put down some fresh soil or mulch, give the lawn a cut, and spray the house down so it can shine!

If all else fails you can always hire a professional, we won't tell anyone.